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Saturday, December 28, 2019

5 signs you werent meant to be a leader of people

5 signs you werent meant to be a leader of people5 signs you werent meant to be a leader of peopleLeadership is a tricky topic.It requires an immense amount of experience in the trenches to learn the hard lessons.Its common for people to associate leadership with atitle.A CEO is a leader. The creative director is a leader. Even your manager is a leader.But thats not what leadership actually is. Leadership isnt a badge you wear or a hat you put on in certain situations - Time to step up and be a leaderIt goes back to the old clich Leaders lead byexample.They are leaders not because of what they have achieved or what fancy title they have before their name.They are leaders because of how they conduct themselves, and their ability to inspire people to do things they wouldnt do on their own.A lot of people think they are leaders - and thats the problem.Here are five signs you are spending more effort trying to be a leader than actually leading.1. You use your title as leverage.The mome nt you say, Do what I tell you because I am your director, the owner, your CEO, you may win the battle, but youve yperit the war.You are no longer leading by example, and are instead trying to inspire through hierarchy.That may instigate action in the moment, but it will cause resentment down theroad.Just because you are in a certain position commonly associated with being a leader does not automatically result in leadership.2. You point the finger instead of pulling thethumb.A great leader knows that, at the end of the day, it all comes back around.If your employee or your business partner makes a mistake, yes, on some level they are accountable, but on another level their mistake may have been the result of a process or a request that you put forward.The truth is, it really doesnt matter how or why something goes wrong - thingshappen.What matters is how you, as a leader, react and move forward. And if you point out everyone elses mistakes without ever acknowledging your own role in the equation, the people around you will feel alienated.3. You are emotionally inconsistent.As an employee, there is nothing worse than not knowing whether today is a good day or a bad day.What prohibits great work and dramatically increases execution time is having to worry or wonder what sort of emotional reaction you are going to get from your leader.It may be that on some days, a very complicated question is handled with ease, and on other days, the simplest of questions throws the person into a fit of rage.These emotional inconsistencies are what create chaos in an bro or work setting because nobody knows what to expect.As a leader, you are the rock, the foundation upon which it all co-exists and operates.Its a lot to carry, but that is why you are the leader. Deal with it.4. You dont keep yourword.Nothing destroys loyalty and follower-ship faster than saying you will do something and then not doing it.Your employees and associates will begin to question your ability to carr y your own weight, no matter how much else you have on your plate.What you should do instead is be honest and admit, even as the leader of an organization or a small team, when you needhelp.There is no dignity in taking on responsibilities you ultimately cant fulfill.5. You focus on the bad and never highlight thegood.There is a fine line between inspiring greatness and tearing down motivation.If you focus only on the mistakes of the people around you, they will begin to feel as though everything they do is wrong.This is a recipe for disaster, both intrinsically and extrinsically. Yes, point out the mistakes and address them as needed. But do not overlook or devalue what they bring to the table the rest of the time.Hearing what you do well is just as important as hearing what you dopoorly.Otherwise, your employees or associates will be lost in the dark, unsure of how to best navigate themselves within your expectations.This piece originally appeared in Inc Magazine.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Compensation Strategies that Leave No Good Employee Behind

Compensation Strategies that Leave No Good Employee BehindCompensation Strategies that Leave No Good Employee BehindCompensation Strategies that Leave No Good Employee Behind RossheimIs now the time for employers to revisit their compensation strategies?For many companies, profits are up thanks in part to labor-market conditions have allowed for relatively low pay increases in the 2010s. So why should employers start worrying about whether their employees feel fairly compensated?For one, employees increasingly are feeling the power to vote with their feet. In February 2015, just over 2.17 million American workers quit their jobs thats 200,000 more than gave notice in the same month a year earlier, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report.So whether your company is fruchtwein concerned with employee retention, or employee productivity, or internal pay equity, 2015 is a good time to revisit compensation strategiesand structures. Here are some top considerations on why you sho uld regularly revisit your employee compensation structure.You get the performance that you pay for. Companies should recognize that employee motivation is something that money often canbuy. Workers appreciate the economic value of a more-than-wenigstens raise and what it says about the employers bottom-line recognition of job performance.The performance the employer wants isnt going to be sufficiently motivated by a modest pay increase, say E. James Brennan, a compensation consultant in Bellingham, Wash.Avoid pay policies that engender zombie employees. Year after year of meagre increases can cause employees to check out, emotionally.You dont want these folks to stay but die on the job, or to have them discount their productivity in proportion to the perceived pay gap, says Brennan. This really happens. Think of the cost of a substantial raise as an investment in productivity.Pay them or lose them. While most employers will keep average salary increases in the 3 percent range or l ess in 2015 according to a consensus of compensation surveys, they should recognize that talent is considerably more mobile than it was just three or four years ago.For middle managers, you might see 2 percent raises and minimal bonuses, and their bosses will say nice things about what theyre doing, says Peter Cohan, a management consultant and instructor at Babson College in Wellesley, Mass. But if the people are any good, theyll probably just leave and take jobs elsewhere at much higher pay.Reconcile external and internal pay. Beware of bringing in talent comparable to your incumbent managers at significantly higher pay. Once you find out what the market entry pay rate is for your hiring pool, you have to think about what will be the impact when you put this new hire in the pool where incumbents are making less, says Brennan.Companies generally take care to make sure they dont leapfrog new people over senior incumbents, says Brennan. Internal pay equity can overrule or modify what an external offer will be.Well-informed employees are more satisfied with their pay. If you believe in the integrity of your compensation structure, you should be able to discuss it with your workers in some detail.When pay for performance is done well, employees understand more about the compensation process, says Stephanie Thomas, a research associate at the Institute for Compensation Studies at Cornell University. Employees are less likely to feel that differences are unfair if theyve been told how it works.Millennials may not keep their pay a secret. Younger employees will talk about their pay, says Thomas. So with them, internal pay equity will create both opportunity and challenge.Among the opportunities to have an open conversation about what aspects of employee performanceearn financial rewards.Among the challenges miffed employees who dont see eye to eye with their supervisors on how they have performed against goals that come with financial incentives attached.Close the v erstndigung im strafverfahren with a signing bonus? Not so much. If your best candidate or her headhunter asks for a signing bonus, consider counteroffering with a performance-based bonus payable a few months out if goals are met. And offer the same incentive to everyone in the new hires cohort.Signing bonuses can alienate incumbent employees who have stayed with the company through recent years of scant pay increases.Show me more than just the money. Demonstrate to your employees that you value them with all kinds of rewards, from cash to intangibles.Reinforcements for performance, respect from peers, intellectual and emotional challenges, engagement with the mission these are all elements of total rewards, says Brennan. People dont work for money alone.Mind any race or gender gaps. The diverse workplace of the 21st century is no place for demographic biases in pay, which often are illegal.How much proactive work are employers doing to remedy gender and race pay gaps? Not enough, says Thomas. In the years right after the financial crisis, budgets were so strained that pay equity was given lower priority.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Impact.Engineered Event in New York Highlights Excellence in S...

Impact.Engineered Event in New York Highlights Excellence in S... Impact.Engineered Event in New York Highlights Excellence in S... Impact.Engineered Event in New York Highlights Excellence in Social Innovation(Left to right) Impact.Engineered judge Amos Winter and Paul Scott, director, Engineering for Global Development, present the Hardware Trailblazer award to Sameer Mithal of Water Health International.ASME and Engineering for Change (E4C) recently held the second annual Impact.Engineered conference, a daylong event that spotlights the efforts of engineers and entrepreneurs who are working to bring about positive social change in underserved communities throughout the world. mora than 140 engineers, engineering students, scientists and makers attended this years event, which was held Oct. 11 at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering in Brooklyn, N.Y.Impact.Engineered, which launched last October with an inaugural event the Centre for Social Innovation in Manhattan, provides a venue for engineers from the private, public, non-profit and academic sectors to interact, share experiences, and learn about some of the innovative work currently taking place within the social sector. (Left to right) Bob Marsh of Inveneo with Sarbani Banerjee Belur of Gram Marg, the recipient of the Connecting the Unconnected award at this years Impact.Engineered event.The efforts of several individuals and organizations were recognized during an awards reception held during the conference. Awards were presented in five categories Hardware Trailblazer, Women Leading in Technology and Impact, Connecting the Unconnected, Companies Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals, and Rising Stars.Water Health International (WHI) was named this years Hardware Trailblazer. The company, based in Irvine, Calif., provides scalable, safe and affordable drinking water solutions to underserved areas worldwide. With mora than 700 operating units, WHI serves approximately 10 million people each day and delivers more than 60 million liters of clean water each month. WHI is a trailblazer in the true sense of the word, said Paul Scott, director of Engineering for Global Development at ASME. Their technology and approach were ahead of the market, being social entrepreneurs long before this category of businesses was in the public consciousness. May ElKhattab of ARUP accepts the Companies Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals award from Impact.Engineered judge Carola Shwank, head of the Empowering People Network at Siemens Stiftung.Mariana Costa Checa, the co-founder and CEO of Laboratoria in Lima, Peru, was selected as the award winner in the Women Leading in Technology and Impact category. Checas company, which is committed to preparing women for jobs in the technology sector by teaching them digital skills, is currently training thousands of young women in Peru, Chile, Mexico and Brazil. In addition, the firm identifies software d evelopment opportunities for the women once they are trained.Linda Raftree, the Impact.Engineer judge who selected Checa and Laboratoria as the winner, said this of herbei choice Im a big advocate of diversity and inclusion in the technology space. The work that Laboratoria is doing is filling technology opportunities with well-trained, capable women, which is critically important if we are going to make the industry less sexist and more attuned and responsive to the needs, psychology, social behaviors, interests, ethics and privacy needs of women and girls. Shanna Crumley (left) and Gemma Torras Vives (far right) of Bitae Technologies, the winner of the Impact.Engineered Rising Star award, with Katey Metzroth of Futureworks.Gram Marg, the winner in the Connecting the Unconnected category, is a project initiated by the electrical engineering department at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay that seeks to employ unused UHF television bands (or TV white spaces) an d unlicensed 5.8 GHz wireless bands to bring Internet connectivity to rural villages in India in the hopes of encouraging economic growth and development. The project, which was launched in 2012, also addresses the sustainability of this Internet connectivity by encouraging the growth of community networks and formation of multi-stakeholder partnerships and by conducting thorough impact assessment surveys of the residents of these villages.The London-based engineering and professional services ARUP was named the winner of the award in the Companies Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals category at this years Impact.Engineered. The private firm has made a commitment to using the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) including No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-Being and Gender Equality as benchmarks for each of its engineering and konzept projects for the built environment. Tom Costabile, executive director of ASME, addresses the aud ience at the Impact.Engineered forum.While many other responsible companies also align their work with the SDGs, ARUP does even more they have established their own non-profit business, said Impact.Engineered judge Carola Shwank, head of the Empowering People Network at Siemens Stiftung. The proven expertise of their team of international development professionals makes them valuable partners for renowned players within the development sector such as Habitat for Humanity or the Rockefeller Foundation. With successful projects in more than 30 countries, their humanitarian work shows global impact.The New York City-based organization Bitae Technologies was selected by the attendees of this years Impact.Engineered conference to receive the events final award, the Rising Star Award, which recognizes the achievements and potential of emerging leaders leveraging technology to achieve social impact. Bitae Technologies is developing a Digital Backpack platform that would enable vulnerable p opulations including refugees to carry a record of their skills and education in a secure, verified portfolio.In addition to the awards presentation, the Impact.Engineered program also featured remarks from ASME Executive Director Thomas Costabile and special panel sessions addressing such themes as emerging responses to climate change challenges, small batch manufacturing, and the use of data and technology for social impact. The forum also included several concurrent workshops on subjects such as disrupting engineering education, intellectual property for technology start-ups, and benchmarking technology for social innovation a tour of NYU Tandons MakerSpace student workspace lab and a meet-and-greet and tabletop demonstrations with the winning teams from this years ASME Innovation Showcases (ISHOWs) in India, Kenya and the United States.For more information on Impact.Engineered, visit www.impact-engineered.org.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

3 Salary Negotiation Tips for Flexible Jobs

3 Salary Negotiation Tips for Flexible Jobs3 Salary Negotiation Tips for Flexible Jobs1Having a flexible work situation is an excellent benefit, and its so much so that you may feel willing to take a significantly reduced salary to land a position. But if you consider this logically, youll want to repress your willingness to take a lower-scale salary. Dont give up ritterlich pay for flexibility because theres no reason you cant have both. The critical key to salary negotiations is preparation, and here are some salary negotiation tips to get you startedFollow these three salary negotiation tips for flexible jobs.Research the fair market salary before negotiations begin.Using tools likeSalary.coms Salary Wizard or PayScale.com, you can find salary ranges for positions similar to the one youve applied for and by geographic location. This step will offer you a realistic idea of what you can expect and ask for during salary negotiations. Having this range in mind during negotiations will prevent you from low-balling your salary or from expecting an over-inflated one as well.Make a list of the job responsibilities.During the interview, be sure to ask pointed questions about the roles responsibilities. Carefully consider the workload and skills needed to fulfill the role and use this knowledge during salary negotiations. Pay particular attention to unique or technical skills that you offer that could increase your salary expectations. Keep this list handy when discussing the positions salary.Trying to negotiate a flexible work arrangement? Be prepared to address the ways work flexibility benefits the employer.Along with salary negotiation comes other benefits. If youre considering asking for flexible work options like working from home or having a flexible schedule, be prepared to show the employer how these arrangements will benefit them financially. There are innumerable ways that offering work flexibility is useful to your potential employer. This includes lower o verhead, increased productivity, higher employee retention, and more. Arm yourself with this information and use it to your advantage when negotiating your salary.Here are some great studies and stats to cite when discussing how work flexibility benefits the employerHow Work Flexibility Benefits EmployersHow Employers Can Benefit from TelecommutingTelecommuters ARE More Productive, New Experiment ShowsTelecommuters Are Better Coworkers, New Study FindsFor more salary negotiation tips, read this article.Readers, tell us your salary negotiation tips Leave a comment and let us know

Monday, December 9, 2019

What You Dont Know About Resume Thank You Letter

What You Dont Know About Resume Thank You Letter No matter how insightful and well-written your essay might be, all effort is going to be rendered worthless if the job isnt delivered after the deadline. Our essay writing services have the significant goal of giving you original papers. Our writers dont cause you to fret about plagiarism as they can create new and authentic content whenever they write, which only suggests you dont need to be concerned about finding any plagiarized content or paragraphs which were copied. Our professional writers have the interest to compose your paper in an exemplary way by incorporating all of the information. Resume Thank You Letter Fundamentals Explained Folks that are looking through ads for job vacancies know the reason why they would rather work for a specific firm. What are the best internet job sites when looking for medical billing coding jobs. Be certain to get the company cards of all of the people involved in your interview so its possible to follow up with every one of them. Even if you begin a business of your own, you can want to send thank you letters to certain clients. The very first reason to send a thank you letter is the fact that its just plain great manners. Cover letters are made to complement your resume. Your letter ought to be put to use as a gentle reminder. A late letter is far better than no letter whatsoever. So, sending the exact same musiknote to every man isnt a great idea The letter needs to be sent promptly and when the events continue to be fresh so it can be more meaningful. Hopefully, you collected business cards from those who interviewed you, which means you have the right snail mail address. Be clear of what youre thanking the person for. Fortunately, there are several excellent samples and resources available to assist you craft the ideal professional resume. Its also important to take note of the degree of interaction which you have with the recipient. You are not going to have a tough time contacting us because all you should do is send us an e-mail, call us or go to our site to initiate a conversation. It is possible to only find such assistance from custom writing sites. If you met with numerous men and women, dont forget to send a single note to every person in case you have their contact details. Please dont hesitate to call me if you require additional info, have any questions or would love to offer me the job It is possible to contact me on 999-999-999 in the event that you will need any extra details. Please contact me if you require any extra info to think about my application. Want to Know More About Resume Thank You Letter? One of the very first things your thank-you letter ought to do is stress your interest in the employer and the job which you are trying to find. The follow up letter is likewise a perfect chance to reinforce your suitability for the work prospect. Moreover, our authors are very speedy regarding the job. What you do after the work interview is essential to success. A student who earns a bachelor degree in business management or company administration has a huge array of jobs to select from. It is one of the most flexible majors. Our writers can assure they put attention to each detail to be sure which youre ready to construct a fantastic reputation for your company. By making certain you have not overlooked any mistakes, you can prevent the embarrassment of appearing incompetent to hiring managers. Our talented experts also have made the very best pricing structure. Job interviews are stressful circumstances and in spite of excellent preparation we can sometimes neglect to mention something which might be a crucial selling point. Above all, consider what youd love to see in a work interview thank-you note. In the event you had an interview with over 1 person, you should send letters to every individual with whom you spoke. Panel interviews, also called a group interview, is performed by a couple of people. By following up after your work interview in a skilled and polite manner you will leave a long-lasting impression as the most acceptable job candidate. Wrap up what you have said in the preceding paragraphs and give the employer a telephone number where you are able to be reached for additional questions. For instance, you may want to just compose an overall letter, or you might want to bring up the subject of possible follow up discussions. Please contact me in case you have any extra questions. The format you select for your thank-you message ought to be based on what you know more about the firms culture, said Augustine.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Life After Federal Government Resume Writers

Life After Federal Government Resume Writers The True Meaning of Federal Government Resume Writers There are a few of the various ways to frame a resume. Convey your workplace contributions in such a means to demonstrate that youre a skilled candidate. Men and women dont show what they accomplished at their very last job. Character matters as soon as it comes to federal job opportunities. Generally, applicants can use one of 3 formats. In the end, in the majority of circumstances, the applicant is going to be made conscious of the review process status through the USAJOBS site. While developing a federal resume, its also important to go line-by-line by means of a work announcement and handle every qualification listed. Instead, tailor your federal resume to satisfy the prerequisites of the particular opening. Click the next link for more info about what to have in your federal resume. If you need assistance, utilize some completely free web keyword tools such as Google F ree Keyword Tool. Resumes are written depending on the physical fitness evaluations. Finding work within the jurisdiction of the national government can look like an intimidating job. What a federal resume does is provide government agencies all of the information they should make the ideal decision. A federal resume is also is the main element in ranking all applicants to locate the ideal match for a specific job within the USA federal government. Developing a federal resume is the initial step in securing top federal work in the U.S. government. When the applicant has a profile, he or she has the capability to apply to any work listing on USAJOBS for which theyre qualified. While the info needed for a resume for federal job opportunities may appear to be long and detailed, its vital that you make certain you quickly get to the point. If youre asking for a particular federal job, its important to call ahead to learn what type of information is demanded. When writing a fe deral resume, youre want to include things like a good deal more specific information than in any different type of resume. Facts, Fiction and Federal Government Resume Writers Hiring personnel expect to understand a very clear description of your career objectives and a few pertinent qualifications. Resumes arent translated in regard to duties and obligations from military terminology into federal job duties. So, your resume must be somewhat much perfect. The absolute most prosperous resumes concentrate on specific position-related abilities, relevant regions of expertise, quantifiable accomplishments, and professional certifications. The Importance of Federal Government Resume Writers Many Professional Resume Writers offer a complimentary review of your resume together with an explanation of the way that they may be in a position to aid you. To acquire the proper support, you can incorporate the Federal Resume pattern. Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a special type of work for some period of time. The Federal Resume can offer you a chance for the next prospect.